Please see below for a list of Professor Hong's presentations
Most recent presentation
"Identification through blood and experiences: Epistemic network analysis of interviews on Hong Kong Bicultural identity",
Presentation at the ICQE conference, Melbourne, Australia 8 October - 12 October 2023
"Basic Principles and Processes of Experimental Design",
Presentation at the IACMR conference, Hong Kong, 14 June - 18 June 2023
Past presentations
"Multicultural Experience, Expressive Writing, and Intergroup Tolerance in the Heat of Armed Conflict, Social Unrest, and the COVID-19 Pandemic",
Keynote address at the National Scientific Meeting 2022, 15 October 2022, organized by Indonesian Social Psychology Association in collaboration with Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia.
"How Does Culture Matter in the Face of Globalization?", Invited talk at the Future Resilient System, Singapore-ETH Centre - April 22, 2021
"An example of Interdisciplinary Research - The Biology of Subjective Socio-Economic-Status", Keynote delivered at the Taiwan Psychological Association, Nov. 2, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
"Marketing Research Proseminar" - October 2nd, 2019
Attached Article Building and Testing Theories: Experiences from Conducting Social
Identity Research
“Dynamic Cultural Neuroscience” Keynote Speech at the International Symposium on Cognition and Neuroscience, Singapore, February, 2016.
“Why and how does culture matter for Chinese management?” Keynote delivered at the IACMR conference, Hangzhou, China, June 15-19, 2016.
"Do Multicultural Identities Challenge Traditions or Create the Future?" Keynote delivered at the 23rd international Congress of IACCP, August 2, 2016: Nagoya, Japan
"Applying Experimental Social Psychology to Understand Bribe-Giving in Chinese Context" presentation at Tsing Hua University, October 25, Beijing
"Multicultural mind and Multicultural self – Linking Culture, Identity, and Brain", delivered at 2016 International Conference on Multiculture and Education, 4-5 November 2016, Incheon, Korea.
Seminar at CUHK-Tsinghua MBA in Finance, visit in Hong Kong. Delivered on 2 December, 2016 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
"Cultural Attachment – Applying Attachment Theory to Understand Multicultural Competence", Talk delivered at the “Chinese Psychology: Current Theories and Models in Understanding 1.4 Billion People”, Michigan State University Symposium on
Multicultural Psychology, April 14, 2017
“Multicultural Mind and Multicultural Self – Linking Culture, Cognition, and Identity” talk delivered at the Departmental Colloquium, Psychology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, April, 2016.
Attached article:
Hong, Y., & Bobby K., C. (in press). How Does Culture Matter in the Face of Globalization? Perspectives on Psychological Science.
“From Parental Attachment to Cultural Attachment -- The Roles of Genes and Brain”, talk delivered at the「家庭、世代與多元文化」學術研討會, 中央研究院民族學研究所, June 29, 2017, Taipei.
“The Psychological Functions of Cultural Symbols”, talk delivered at the International Conference of Culture and Creativity --“Design Thinking for Social Innovation” National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, June 23-25, 2017.)
Attached Article
Cultural Attachment Theory (in press), in The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication。
“Why and how does culture matter for Chinese management?” Keynote delivered at the IACMR conference, Hangzhou, China, June 15-19, 2016.
"Applying Psychology To Understand World Events: Take 'Why Would Global Warming Intensity Intergroup Conflicts and Terrorism' as an Example ", Talk delivered at 2017 AASP Conference in Auckland, New Zealand, August 26-28, 2017
"Understanding Cultural Attachment ", Talk delivered at Annual Convention of Association for Psychological Science, May 25, 2018
"Understanding Cultural Influences on Psychological Processes and Contents ", Talk delivered at Annual Convention of Association for Psychological Science, May 27, 2018
"How Does Culture Matter in the Face of Globalization? ", Talk delivered at Georgia State University, November 30, 2018
"The Biology of Subjective Socio-Economic-Status ", Talk delivered at Georgia State University, July 22-24, 2019