Andrea Soledad Matos Devesa
Andrea is currently a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Prof. Ying-Yi Hong in the Management Department at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, investigating how the sociopolitical transition happening in Hong Kong can affect Hongkongers’ sense of identity as they negotiate their distinct Hongkonger identity with the integration with the Greater Bay Area of China.
She received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Nottingham, specializing in social psychology and intergroup relations. Her thesis investigated the role of social status on compassionate responses, when (and why) are bystanders more likely to assist victims of lower- and higher-status, and how identity-based distinctiveness threat could mediate this effect.
Andrea’s research interests largely focus on the role of intersectionality on intergroup relations, particularly in how the overlay of sometimes conflicting identities can lead to intergroup conflicts.